I took the kids to the doctor for their yearly physicals this week. They are all growing really well. Joshua had a major growth spurt and is 54% height, which means he's the first of our kids to surpass 50% in anything, so that was exciting. And Clara is 24% for height, which is really great progress for her too. Hannah stayed about where she's been. Since we went after Clara's 4th birthday, she got her kindergarten shots just as Joshua did last year. The good news is that she's done until she's 11. The bad news is there were four and the fourth really does hurt. And for a very thin person like Clara, shots generally hurt more. And they do them all in her legs because her arms aren't meaty enough so it was just a lot. She stayed really brave and didn't cry until the fourth and then she cried and claimed she couldn't walk for the rest of the day. I am sure it did hurt, but I also think she was being a bit dramatic about the not walking hours later. This is her showing you the terrible pain she was living with at the time.
Jason has been travelling of late, which is good for him and his job, but the kids hate it. When he came home at bedtime on Thursday, Joshua was so excited he basically broke into a really animated happy dance and just couldn't stop moving because he was so happy.
One afternoon when I came to wake Hannah up from her nap, I found her snoozing in her chair instead of her bed. This is her just after waking up, before she moved. She was so cute and curled up.
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