Saturday, September 3, 2016

First Day of School

 This year is a big milestone since Joshua started kindergarten. As with most things, this is extremely traumatic for me, not as much for him. He was excited to go to school and be a big kid.

He started off in Mrs. Haun's class. At this school they spend the first week or so of kindergarten evaluating which class they want which kid in, so we knew she might not be his permanent teacher, but in the end he did get assigned to her class.

He is doing great so far.

The girls also started a new school/daycare since I am working full-time now and so need full-time care.

Clara is in Pre-K and Hannah is in preschool.

It is going well so far. Hannah, as always, is a little slower to adjust to a new situation, but both girls are enjoying their classes.

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