Saturday, August 20, 2016

Family Fun, Olympics Style!

In it what is now somewhat of an unofficial tradition, Dad and Deb came down for a late-summer visit so we could all get together and have fun and eat good food together.  After Joshua and I went fishing this morning, our family met everyone else over at Julie and Andrew's.  We had lunch first thing, as it was already a little past lunchtime when we arrived.  The kids enjoyed their hot dogs on the back deck and had a great time laughing with each other.

This was Dad and Deb's first time to meet little Daniel, so they made sure to get some time with their newest grandchild.

We played some yard games.  Andrew, Kirk, and I did our usual ones, and the kids then wanted to play, so we modified the beanbag/washer game for them so they could play against each other.

Because the Olympics are going on right now, Julie and Joanna thought it would be fun to have a family Olympics in our backyard.  Andrew, Kirk, and I are basically experts in creating games out of random items, so we engineered an obstacle course out of the odd collection of things I brought (just in case something like this came up) and the things in Julie and Andrew's house.  The kids went through it, including Hannah who insisted on wearing her new apron that Dad and Deb gave her.  Afterward the kids were done, Andrew, Kirk, and I were too competitive to pass up the opportunity to do it ourselves, even though the course was designed for kids.  But with only a few slight modifications, we were ready, and we each went through it a couple times, with the girls in the chairs timing us.  We got grass stains and bloody elbows, but it was totally worth it.

We sat down for dinner and enjoyed some fresh Iowa sweet corn and yummy steaks.  As you can see, Andrew approved.

After dinner, it was pretty late, so Meghan and the kids went home, while the rest of us stayed up late to play games.  Dad and Deb got a chance to say good-bye to our kids before they went home.  It was another fun family event!

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