Saturday, May 14, 2016

First Baby Tooth Gone

We knew Joshua would lose his baby teeth on the early side because the dentist told us his baby teeth have very short roots. Anytime between 4 and 7 is normal, with most kids being 5 or 6. Surprisingly, his teeth made it without injury to naturally fall out. He lost the first one this past week, with his second lower front tooth also being very loose and the two upper front teeth being slightly loose. I am really curious when the girls will loose theirs. Hannah got her teeth first (first tooth at almost 5 months versus 6 months for Joshua versus 10(!) months for Clara) and often that's somewhat indicative of how early they lose them as well. The girls have really latched on to losing teeth when you are five and I keep telling them it can be five, six, or seven.

He was super excited about this. 

Most people do money under the pillow, but Joshua understands money only in the way that you can theoretically buy stuff with it. But he doesn't know that say a quarter can't buy a toy, but $20 can. So we didn't think that would be very meaningful to him. Plus his first tooth is a bigger deal than the rest. So we did two small toys. Which are not good for going under the pillow so he got a riddle (or rhyme, not sure it's hard enough to be a riddle) made by Jason.

So he found the red bag, which was not very hidden.

 And enjoyed his fun surprises. I am not sure what we will do for the rest. Maybe we will switch to a token system and say three tokens gets a toy or something. I can't believe how big he is!

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