Sunday, May 8, 2016

First Week of May

The kids really love playing hide and seek. However, we don't have all that many places to hide in our house because it's pretty open. Under the chairs are a popular place to hide.

Hannah is by far our worst sleeper. Not to say she is bad, but our other kids are great (now. Clara never once fell asleep without crying for the first 2.5 years or so) and basically never wake up unless there is a severe storm or they are sick. However, Hannah tends to wake up around once a week or so. It's not unmanageable, but it's not ideal. This is after she woke up one night and fell asleep next to me.

It's a bit early for most veggies in area gardens, but radishes are ready. The kids' school has a big garden and Joshua is pretty much the only one who likes radishes, so he has been bringing a lot of them home. Here he is enjoying one with Jason (who is okay with radishes).

I usually get each kid two swimsuits each spring. I feel like they need two because they don't always dry fully between swims and swimming in a non-dry suit seems gross. One always has shoulder coverage and the other I just get something I think they would enjoy wearing. Because Hannah loves swim suits, she also has her two from last year that maybe aren't in great shape, but are technically wearable. She convinced me to buy her one more this year because the first one I bought her was a tankini and it showed way more tummy than I thought it would and by the time I realized, we had already removed the tags. That's not my preference as I prefer suits with more coverage so I am pretty sure she completely played me and told me she didn't like her first suit because it showed her tummy too much. So I agreed to swap it with another suit that is rainbow. Her two favorite things right now are butterflies and rainbows. So she got a new swimsuit that she loves. But I am okay with that because I really didn't prefer her tummy showing and I don't buy my kids expensive suits so it was very little money. And she's really excited. She knows way too much about shopping. We looked at walmart and target for suits and couldn't find rainbow or butterflies. So then she suggested, "Well you could just get it in a package". Which is her way of saying to buy it online. So I did. And then she asks me to tell her when I get the email that says when it will be delivered. And so I found out it would arrive on a Tuesday. And then everyday she asks what day it is today and then we talk about days of the week and how many days until Tuesday. And she was really pumped when it came.

All the kids went to the dentist and had no cavities. We went on May the 4th (Star Wars day, in an event that has become somewhat over-exposed) so all the staff was dressed appropriately and Hannah (wearing rainbow dress and rainbow flip flops) had a hygienist who was dressed as Princess Leia.

On Thursday, we had a conflict between ballet and t-ball. Clara does both, so she got to choose which to attend and she chose t-ball this time. So I took Hannah to ballet and on the way we saw some sort of festival with a bounce house. She wanted to stop, but I said she had to go to ballet and I'd look into it while she was in class and we'd possibly check it out on the way home. It was a Cinco de Mayo festival sponsored by Nexus Church. So on the way home we stopped and played. It was kind of a longer line because it is the type of bounce house that is more of a slide so two kids could go at once, and it took awhile for people to go through. She got to play on it three times and I got to enjoy some pretty legit street tacos from a food vendor (Once Hannah realized they didn't have chicken nuggets, she said she'd eat at home). Hannah was pretty disappointed when it was time to go, but she had an awesome time.

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