Sunday, December 4, 2016

Journey to Judea, but with Joanna

We really enjoyed Journey to Judea last year, so we decided to do it again this year.  Like last year, the stations were really good, and the kids also seemed to be more into than last year.  Joanna went in Meghan's place this year, so she helped me shepherd the kids around the stations.  At the station where Jesus is born, they were totally fascinated.  They wanted to know if it was a real baby (they did know it wasn't Baby Jesus but weren't sure if it was an actual baby or not), and they concluded that it was (but it wasn't).  Like last year, we were asked by several church members volunteering with the event if we wanted to bring a wagon.  I declined, and they kind of seemed to think I was making a questionable choice, but I was pretty sure it would be fine, and it was.

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