Sunday, January 24, 2016

Week in Review: January 24th

 Joshua loves domestic chores. Clara loves some, but she is a bit tiny to really use the vacuum cleaner. I let Joshua use it for awhile and he was so excited.

 The kids were playing bus, but then they took a break to watch a show and so Clara rearranged the bus so she could sit by Joshua so she could see well.

My parents got us a three month membership to Olathe Community Center for Christmas. This is going to be great because it's something indoors that's active. I didn't want to go right in the beginning of January because I thought it would be really busy with all the new year's resolution people, but I decided this week was a good time to go in and get that started. I took Hannah because I didn't want to take all three kids. She had fun playing at the indoor playground while she waited for me to get the paperwork done.

Hannah decided it's always summer in her heart. She wanted to wear her dress from last summer, which we decided would be okay in the house only. She was also totally pumped about playing with a balloon. She likes batting it with her spatula.

Guess who can peel her own orange? That's right, this girl. (I usually still get it started for both her and Clara). She was so proud. This is the day after her original dress photo. She loves the dress, but the top is elastic and it started to pinch her. She decided the only solution was to wear it over jammies.

Joshua really wanted to "do science". I really didn't have time to do anything with him that day so he and Clara just played with water in the bathroom. He really wanted food coloring. I am going to try to figure out a science project we can do in the coming week that has some sort of immediate payout. So many of them for that age are like, "Grow crystals". Which is fine, but it takes a week or two and I am looking for something a little quicker.

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