Friday, January 8, 2016

Week in Review: January 7th

This week at school, Joshua really enjoyed an activity of smashing raw almonds with a hammer. The teacher let him bring some extra almonds home to practice with. He was really eager to show Daddy, but he was so excited to smash them, they were all gone by the time Jason got back from his trip.

One of the things we decided to spend Christmas money on for the kids was Magnatiles. So far they are all really loving them (Clara also loves hot chocolate as you can see). It's really interesting because they play with them in somewhat different ways. If the interest continues at this level, though it may not once the newness wears off, we will probably add another set in the future because there isn't really enough for all three kids to play at the same time.

They also really enjoyed shooting their towers with nerf guns. With the girls, their aim is so bad that it really didn't matter. Joshua actually ended up making really strong towers because I told him if the tiles hit the wood floor, I would put his nerf gun in toy jail (aka our basement. Generally if they don't pick up their toys, they go to toy jail for awhile because I am beyond irritated when I have to pick up toys that they should be picking up) because that wasn't taking good care of the Magnatiles. He figured out how to make a tower that didn't fall when shot.

When Joshua was in the bathtub, he asked for bubbles. He had a fun time making his beard bigger and bigger. Finally he decided he was Santa and started saying "Ho, Ho, Ho".

Clara loves cooking. She got an apron (which is a little big) that I made as well as some cooking stuff for Christmas. Tonight she put on her apron and asked to help make dinner. I don't always let her help because some recipes are more conducive to kid-help than others. But tonight we were having black bean tacos, which is pretty simple and therefore easy for kids to help with. So she got to help and was super excited about it.

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