Monday, September 26, 2016

Getting Ready for Dad's Birthday

For Jason's birthday this year, which I am sure he will post about later, he wanted a Funfetti cake from a box. Though this was a little disappointing because I think boxed cake is a bit gross and I could literally make him any flavor of cake in the entire world.  I don't have so much free time in my life that I am going to try to talk him into homemade Funfetti, particularly on his birthday when he should really have the right to choose whatever cake he wants, even if it's one I dislike. The plus side to the very downscale cake is it is very easy for the kids to help since box mixes are specifically designed by actual food scientists to be virtually error-proof. I am not sure what you would have to do to truly ruin one, but being slightly off on a measurement is certainly not going to cause any harm. So Hannah was in charge of adding the water. Joshua was in charge of adding the eggs since he is my only child who can crack eggs.

Clara is a little behind the curve when it comes to cooking because she really isn't about following instructions so she isn't really there on the eggs. Hopefully soon. What Clara can do very well is mix and add ingredients. She loves to stir. So she was in charge of adding the oil and got to mix first. Each kid got a turn with my hand-held mixer (another bonus to a boxed cake since the kids think that is way more fun than my KitchenAid), but I couldn't get pictures of that because I needed to provide assistance with the mixer.

While the cake baked, the kids enjoyed the fruits of their labor. (Joshua is enjoying it, I promise. I don't know why he looks like he hates it.)

The next day, Hannah woke up before I was done frosting the cake, so she assisted with adding the sprinkles. It was a team effort and I think it turned out as Jason hoped. 

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