Friday, September 30, 2016

Fishin' and Frosties

Joshua and I had a date day today, and because the weather was great, and because fishing was a such a success last time, I thought we'd do it again.  This time we went to Blackhoof Park.  I found a dock that said you weren't supposed to fish on it, but I think that was just to make sure you didn't interfere with boats that were actually trying to dock there.  But it was the best place to fish, as most other places had so many lily pads and green junk in the water that he would have had a hard time reeling anything in. So I decided to be a rebel and fish there anyway, but be conscious of boats.  And sure enough, about 30 minutes in, a boat came in to dock, and we dutifully moved out of the way until they were done.  That seems fair.  I hope.

Like last time, we had success!  He caught a sunfish!  This was just a regular one, or at least it wasn't a redear one (it really bugs me that it's spelled that way, and not red-ear sunfish or red ear sunfish, but whatever) like last time.  We struggled a bit, because I had forgotten that the worms shouldn't be refrigerated, so a lot of ours were dead or near-dead.  Thankfully another family was done for the day and let us use their leftovers.  Joshua was excited by this, as he's fascinated by the giant worms (we don't have big nightcrawlers like that in our yard), so he is always in charge of picking out the worm to use as bait each time we need a new one.  And unfortunately that's more often than I'd like, because those jerk fish are often stealing my bait without actually hooking themselves on my hook.  How rude.

After we were done fishing, we went to Wendy's for lunch.  The kids meal came with some silly mouths that you could pretend to have as your mouth, and Joshua liked those quite a bit.  It was another great date day!

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