Monday, September 5, 2016

A Night of Big Bugs

After we woke Hannah up from sleeping on her plate, Joshua noticed some big bugs on our back deck (the light was on), so we went out to check them out.  We first saw a praying mantis, which was pretty cool.  The Royals used one as a pseudo-mascot this season, but I've hardly seen them in real life.  This summer we've seen a few, though.  It took abit of convincing, but Joshua let it walk on him.

 He then flew away but landed on my shoulder.  He seemed very content there, enjoying the view and riding as a walked around the deck.

Clara was not interested in joining us, but Hannah again showed impressive bravery, as she wanted to hold him.

We then spotted a cicada.  We thought they were pretty much done for the year, but apparently not.  Hannah again shows her bravery here.

Finally, we also found a leaf bug.  I caught him and showed him to the kids.  So over the course of a few minutes, we'd found a praying mantis, a cicada, and a leaf bug, all on our back deck.  It was quite the night for large insects.

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