Saturday, April 30, 2016

57 Worms

I'm working on adding some mulch around one of the trees in the back yard, and before I do that I'm clearing out the grass around it, so right now it's just a mound of dirt.  I noticed there was a worm in it, so I called Joshua over to look at it.  Then I noticed another, and then another.  So I put the mulch project on hold, and we started a new project: see how many worms we could find.  We ended up finding 57 worms!  Here's the handful of worms.

He was really excited to see that many worms.  "Dad, we have 57 worms!"  He was so happy.

After he was done marveling over them and examining them, we let them go.  This is the ball of worms as they began to disperse.  It looks like a small brain or something.  Kinda gross, but we had a lot of fun, and Joshua was enthralled by all the worms.

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