Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Happy Halloween!

This year my kids would not conform to a theme, so they did their own thing for Halloween. We had a mermaid, a fairy, and Jay from Ninjago (some sort of Lego spin off). We almost had a theme because I thought Clara could be Tinkerbell and Joshua could be Jake, but they wouldn't go for it. Clara insisted on being a pink fairy. Hannah also has a wand because wands are key, even though mermaids don't always have wands. Apparently this is a common issue because I had zero problems finding a mermaid-themed wand.

Besides Halloween, we went to Enchanted Forest this year a few days before-hand. This is a fun event that we have gone to most years, but it is pretty crowded and more-so every year. Besides the main attraction, which is a trunk or treat, there are also various performers and pretty lights and some bounce house and face-painting action.

The kids seemed to enjoy it all. Joshua wanted to give the Lenexa police dog a high-five, though the girls wanted no part of him. 
This was a sounds-car that Joshua just loved. It had percussion sections that you could bang and horns you could squeeze and all sorts of things. He could have probably stayed there a very long time.

On the morning of Halloween, they wore their outfits. Joshua wore his costume to school, so has the Ninjago pants on. He doesn't look very happy in this photo, but he was definitely excited for Halloween.

His school had a costume parade, which our whole family went to and watched.

In the evening, the kids were super pumped. Unfortunately I was really sick on Halloween so for the first year ever, Jason took them trick or treating on his own. 

I was bummed to miss it, but they had an awesome time and got a ton of candy.

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