Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Not Fake News: President Donald Trump

Uh, well this is weird. Donald Trump is the President of the United States.  It's like we live in some sort of alternate universe, or some movie where everything is slightly off, like the alternate timeline in Back to the Future Part II when Biff was a wealthy tycoon.   Actually, Biff was a lot like Trump, now that I think about it.   But it's all so weird. Trump is a businessman and a reality TV show host.  There are plenty of celebrities like that.  But they don't become President of our country.   But this one did.   It's so weird.  Stately, serious, career politicians become President.  Not celebrities.  But it happened.  And on top of that, it was generally unexpected.  Most models had it as very unlikely that he would beat Hillary.  Even the most favorable model (Nate Silver's 538 projection) gave him only a 30% chance of winning.  But he did.  Hillary couldn't hold her "blue wall" of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, as all three states went to Trump.  It's stunning.  Some people are terrified, some are excited, but I don't think anyone really knows what we'll get out of this Presidency.  Presumably he'll be less of the angry, unpredictable, and often unpresidential guy he was during the campaign.  I think much of that was for show and to appeal to his base, and he'll be a much more calm and professional man while in the Oval Office.  He might do great things for the economy, or he might start a world war, or both.  I have no idea what to expect, but for the sake of our country, I hope his Presidency is a raging success.  Because if he's successful, our country is successful, and that's what we need.

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