Sunday, November 13, 2016

A Questionable Vet Clinic at the Discovery Center

Yesterday was exhausting with Clara's party, so today I decided to do another activity, for some reason, so I took the kids to the Discovery Center.  We started with the coin well, as the kids always love that.
There was a new attraction since the last time we were here.  It's a cylinder of balls, but there are some objects embedded in them, and the kids get to try to find them.

We went to the outside area for awhile, and we rode around the path, all four of us on different vehicles.  Clara chose a balance bike, which was difficult for her to maneuver, but she did well.

I took us a little out beyond the area we normally go to and found a large tree house structure and another big tree branch with ropes hanging from above it that the kids could swing on.

 When we went back in, we went to an old favorite, the red car.  All three kids got in on the act, including Hannah, who was more interested in this activity than she had ever been in the past.

We finished in the vet clinic.  We played various scenarios, and in one of them I dropped off my pet pig for them to help him get better, as he was sick.  When I called Clara for an update, I thought she would say that he was better.  Instead she told me he died.  I suppose animals sometimes die due to unavoidable circumstances and complications while at the vet, but in this case, given the apparent skills of the three employees, I suspected some form of malpractice had occurred.  But she said it was okay, because she could give me a mouse instead.  I wasn't sure that was a fair trade or an acceptable replacement for my beloved pig, but I decided it was better than nothing and begrudgingly went to pick up my consolation mouse.  I then called them to tell them that my mouse was sick and needed to go to the vet, and they said I could drop her off.  I did so, and while I was there, they informed me that my pig had come back to life, and I could take him home.  Now I didn't know what to think.  Were they trying to trick me by replacing my dead pig with a different alive pig, hoping I wouldn't notice it was different?  Had my pig never actually died, and they just wanted to spend some time with him by themselves?  Or had this vet clinic worked some sort of miracle, and there was a pig resurrection?  I may never know.  But the good news is I got my pig back.  The bad news is Clara said I needed to return the mouse.  Oh well.  At least I had my original pig.  I think.

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