Friday, November 18, 2016

Amateur Family Photography

During the time that we normally book our family pictures, I was out of work, so we didn't want to spend the money on pictures when we weren't sure how long I was going to be without a job.  But we still wanted to do Christmas cards, so we still needed at least pictures of the kids.  So I was in charge of taking pictures of them.  Unfortunately, we didn't have a ton of days that would work due to weather and other scheduling, but I found a day that would work, which ended up being today.  I also had a location in mind that I thought would make for a good backdrop: the park near our house which has a lot of natural grasses.  The only problem was that it was chilly this morning, but since it was really the only day that worked, I had to make it happen.  Fortunately, it turned out pretty well, and the pictures above are the ones I took that we ended up choosing to use on our Christmas card.

It did take me quite a few pictures to get those, with the biggest challenge being the one with all three kids, as of course you need them all to have good facial expressions in the same shot, which is a never-ending challenge for me.  But the main issue today is that because it was cold, Clara, who is the most susceptible to the cold, and in a bad combination, also the most dramatic, made it very difficult to get a picture where it didn't look like she was freezing to death.  In the one we used, it wasn't too bad, but most of the others she looks miserable.  Here are a couple that I took that didn't make the final cut for obvious reasons, but they are pretty representative of almost every picture I took.  Given that, I feel really fortunate that I ended up with the one I did, as I think it turned out great, but it was pretty much the only passable one.

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