Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Early March

We got our hardwoods refinished and replaced the carpet in the dining room with hardwood. Which means, we are finally going to have an actual dining room table in our dining room. I still want space for eating in our breakfast nook, though. I decided to put the kids' table in there and then we needed a small table just for Jason and I that is adult-sized. Jason and the kids put it together and then the kids used the box to sit in and eat popcorn while they watched a show.

We had some really great weather and got to take a bike ride to the park. Hannah rode the whole way with no help, which is a first for her. Joshua can now do the monkey bars all by himself, which he is really proud of.

We were able to eat outside one day for lunch. I don't know why Joshua is making that face.

This is a game Halie got Joshua for Christmas. He loves it. It basically throws whipped cream in your face. And the game mechanism is really touchy so almost any time you touch it, it triggers and throws it. He thinks it's the best thing ever even though no one will play with him because normal people don't like that.

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