Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Futuristic Ant Farms

Meghan's working with the kids on a school unit on ants.  As part of that, we bought an ant farm.  Apparently ant farms have come a long way since I was a kid.  With this kind, from Antworks, you receive an air-tight container and some ants.  You put the ants in the fridge to get them cold and sluggish, and then you dump them in the container and seal the lid.  The ants warm up and regain their normal activity level, and then they get to work.  The blue gel in the container has everything the ants need to survive, so you don't need to give them food or water.  They just eat and dig their way through the gel, resulting in the classic ant tunnels that you expect in an ant farm, except it looks way cooler.  They are only supposed to survive a few weeks or so, but we've enjoyed it, and it's been fun to check each day to see the progress they've made.

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