Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Joshua has been being pretty rough with his sisters lately.  Although he is generally very sweet and kind to them, sometimes he gets in a mood where he seems to want to hurt them a bit.  Sometimes it's just crashing his body into theirs when they are sitting down.  Tonight, though, he was chasing Clara upstairs while they were playing, and he caught up to her and shoved her in the back, causing her to fall forward and hit her head on the corner of the wall.  I was in a nearby room and was able to quickly get to her, and I could see it was going to be a pretty bad bump, although the skin wasn't broken.  I made an ice pack for her and had her wear it for awhile.  We are going to work with Joshua to try to understand better why he does this, but in the meantime poor little Clara is going to have a welt on her forehead.  Here she is as she recovers in bed.

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