Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Happy Easter!

 This morning we woke up and did Easter baskets with breakfast. We went to early service as a family so we didn't have a ton of time to get ready.

When we left for church, we were greeted with large snow flakes. So this was my first every white Easter. We drove separately because I was also helping with the second service, but luckily the roads weren't slick. However, because it was Easter, I did have to park really far away and we walked in the snow.

After church, we did gifts. I know most people don't do gifts for Easter, but we do. This is partly because all our birthdays are in the fall so I usually want to get the kids something for spring by the time Easter rolls around anyway, so I can either do it for Easter or "just because". And it's really the most important holiday there is, so for us it makes sense. Joshua got a sleeping bag because he was the only kid who didn't have one. Clara got her very own pink scooter. And Hannah got her very own big-girl bike.

Next we had Easter dinner with ham, asparagus, and scalloped potatoes, so very traditional.

Finally, we did an Easter egg hunt (definitely inside). The kids enjoyed finding their eggs and we gave them awhile to enjoy their spoils once they were done.

We had a really meaningful and fun day.

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