Thursday, March 3, 2016

A Bizarro Political World

I'm not entirely sure this election is real.  It seemed like Jeb Bush or one of the other establishment Republicans would emerge, but no.  Somehow we're down to the final four, and it's Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, and amazingly, Donald Trump.  And Trump is way ahead!  Is this reality?  There was a Republican debate tonight, and Joshua was intrigued by the men on the screen, which may be because Donald Trump looks somewhat like a cartoon character.  It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.  Everyone keeps thinking someone will surpass him at some point, but it keeps not happening.  He keeps saying crazy things, yet never drops in popularity.  It's unlike anything we've seen in a Presidential election.  And on the Democratic side, everyone thought Hillary would trounce Bernie Sanders, but Bernie is hanging around giving her a run for her money.  And adding another layer of weirdness to the whole thing is the fact that Bernie looks and sounds like a character on an SNL sketch, but he's actually a real guy.  I have no idea how this will all turn out, but if nothing else, it's been unprecedented and certainly entertaining.

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