Sunday, June 5, 2016

First Week of June

I struggle with pictures in the summer because we mostly go to the pool over and over again. So I feel like my photos are not very exciting this week.

Halie came over one day this week. She took the kids to open gym, which they loved.

They spent a lot of time at the gym and then went to the park and to lunch.

At the park, they wanted to explore the path just like at school.

 This is Clara after Joshua asked her to marry him. He gave her the flowers for the wedding.

 All my kids love peeling carrots. To the point where I have to stop them if I want carrot left.

One thing we often do when we don't go to the pool is go to the "big kid park" which means the playground at the school. It's really close to our house and we don't often go in the school year because we can't if school is in session. There is summer school right now, but it's not every day so we can often go. Hannah was concerned about chicken being left behind so she figured out a way to attach her to her backpack so she could bring her along. We were not planning on bringing backpacks, but she was so excited so I let her bring hers.

Hannah still really needs a nap. We do quiet time most days, but not every day and, on the days we don't, she gets pretty tired. This is when she fell asleep on the trampoline.

There is a hospital across the street from our church and they had their strawberry festival this week. The kids noticed the bounce houses set up on the way from church so we came back after lunch to check it out. They had fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances to check out. Joshua also wanted to give ladder golf a try.

There were various booths set up to display the hospital's services, but the main draw was definitely the bounce house. They had two: a jumping one and then a slide. We spent a lot of time there.

Then we finished up with balloons and treats. It was a lot of fun and everything was free.

Here are their balloons after we got home. Joshua got spider man, Clara got a puppy, and Hannah got Hello Kitty.

I liked Clara's wetsuit so much that I decided to get Joshua one, which means I had to get Hannah one even though so far she is not prone to being cold in the water as the other two are. but it will still be helpful for swimming lessons indoors in the fall because the water does tend to be colder there. She looks like a cute little surfer girl in her suit.

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