Saturday, June 11, 2016

Get Outdoors Lenexa, and Go Fishing!

After baseball today we took the kids to the City of Lenexa's annual Get Outdoors Lenexa event.  It's on the same day as National Get Outdoors Day.  It's a free event that seemed to have a lot of fun things included, and it's at one of our favorite parks, Black Hoof Park, so we decided to go.  As you can see here, there was a bounce house, which is always a hit, a collaborative painting which allowed kids to just paint whatever on top of a scene, and then there is still the natural things that are always there.
They also had a bean bag toss and an obstacle course that included one of those rope web things that you have to climb through.

Hannah wasn't so sure about the obstacle course, but she decided to do it after a little encouragement.  Here she is jumping onto the hoops.

We were proud of her, because she even decided to go through the rope thing, and she made it all the way through.

They also had a disc golf event, which was funny because the old man who was running it didn't know anything about disc golf or really even what the objective was.  I filled him in on it, and he seemed happy to know, but really it doesn't matter, as it's just a fun thing for kids.  They also had yard games such as ladder golf.

But one of the main reasons we went was because they were having a fishing derby.  You just had to show up and they provided all the equipment.  Joshua has never gone fishing (well, none of the kids had), but he had shown interest in it, so we thought this would be a good time to get started.  So here is Joshua fishing for the first time in his life.  Clara did it for a little bit too but got bored, and Hannah was not interested.  Meghan ended up taking them to another part of the park.  But Joshua and I stayed, and I'm glad we did because...

He caught a fish!  And not only did he catch a fish, because it was a fishing derby, they were keeping track of all the fish caught that day to see who caught the biggest one, and it was his!  We were notified later in the day that his fish was 11.5 inches, and the next biggest one was 7.5, so he won by a lot!  We won a prize pack of fishing equipment which I will need to go pick up from city hall some other day, but it apparently includes a big net, some gloves, a nice stringer, some fishing pliers, and a couple other things.  We'll use those later this summer hopefully, as this was a positive experience for him, and he said he wants to do it again.

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