Saturday, June 25, 2016

Hannah and Dad Find Dory

For some reason it was important to me to take each kid to their first movie in the theater.  I took Joshua to Home last spring, and I took Clara to Inside Out last summer.  For my date day today with Hannah, I decided it was time for her first theater experience.  Finding Dory, the much-anticipated sequel to Finding Nemo is now playing.  I think anyone who saw Finding Nemo (which includes me) now wants to see Finding Dory, especially since it's getting such good reviews.  So we went to our local AMC theater and saw it.  I got her the kids pack meal, which comes with popcorn, a drink, and some gummy candies, and it's only a moderate ripoff compared to buying them individually.  She started out sitting next to me, but pretty quickly she wanted to sit in my lap, as she likes to do.  So we watched most of the movie with her snuggled up with me in my lap, which was nice.  The Pixar short, Piper, was stunning with probably the most realistic computer animation I've ever seen.  And the movie itself was really good.  Like the rest of America, I liked it, and Hannah did too.  Afterward we went to Sylas and Maddy's to get some ice cream.  So now my mission is complete, as I was able to take all three kids to their first theater movie.  They really like going to movies, and I like taking them, so I'm sure there will be more in our future.

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