Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Two Rockets End Their Tee Ball Season

Today was the last game of tee ball for the season for the Rockets.  Meghan and Hannah came to watch so they could get to see Joshua and Clara play.  The season went okay.  Joshua definitely showed some promise.  His natural athleticism came through again.  He liked it a fair amount, though he certainly had periods of distraction and disinterest, as he tends to have.  Clara liked it at times, as I think she was proud that she could do some of the things her big brother did.  But she was also bored a lot of the time too, and I think there were many times she would have rather been somewhere else.  She also had her ball-to-the-nose incident.  It was really nice though that both kids could play on the same team because they were close enough in age.  There probably aren't too many more times where that will work out.  And Coach Scott was a really good coach.  So we'll see what we do next summer.  I would guess that Joshua will want to do it again and Clara won't, but we'll see what their interest is next spring when it's time to decide if we want to play again.

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