Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Third Week of June

We have been going to the pool a lot. We have gotten some inflatable pool toys, which the kids love. But what we really need are two more of the tiny rings like Hannah has. Those seem to be the most fun.

The kids have recently had a bigger interest in games. This Ants in the Pants game was given to us and they really like it. It is harder than you would think, so it's reasonably fun for me too. It's probably a little too hard for the girls, but Joshua loves it. Clara likes to pretend it's her pet.

For Father's Day, which I am sure Jason will post about later, we always make breakfast. Clara really wanted to make it breakfast in bed. I am not really okay with that. It seems disgusting to have food that close to bedding, but since I wouldn't have to be the one eating it, I decided it was okay. Clara helped make the pancakes.

And then I let her bring the juice up to Jason. I brought the food, though Joshua really wanted to and did promise he wouldn't drop it.

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