Saturday, February 27, 2016

Finally Facing Forward

(From 2/27/16)

Joshua and Clara have been front-facing in their car seats for awhile now.  We wanted Hannah to stay rear-facing for as long as we could, but after she turned three we felt she was big enough, and she was also asking to change.  So in Meghan's car we switched her to face forward, since she's in that car most of the time.  I hadn't changed the car seat in my car to face forward because I hadn't had the time and because it wasn't really that important to me to do so.  But it quickly became important to her, and she somewhat badgered me to switch her car seat.  It got to the point where she asked me every single day if I had changed her car seat yet, even if we weren't going to be in my car.  So I had some time this morning, and I went ahead and switched hers to be facing front.  She was very excited, and now she's a happy girl, although this picture doesn't show it, but she really was.

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