Sunday, February 28, 2016

Meghan and Jason are Teachers

Meghan and I have been going to Kaw Prairie for awhile now (a year and a half?), and we've decided we are going to start getting involved more with the volunteer work that is necessary for any church to run.  Meghan is now a teacher for one of the the Pre-K classes (which is Joshua's age group), and also took over as coordinator for the program when there was a vacancy.  She recognized it as an area in which she could contribute and, I'll brag on her behalf because she would never say it, but she's doing an amazing job.  It plays to her strengths of planning, organization, and execution.  She bases the lessons on the general curriculum but plans out what each class will do, including thinking up creative but relevant activities and crafts for the kids to do that will reinforce the lesson.  She then sends out the lesson plans and instructions to the teachers prior to Sunday.  She also buys necessary supplies and on Saturday (usually) will go to the church to get everything set up so the classes will be all ready to go starting on Sunday morning.  It's a lot of work, but because she's so efficient at everything she does, she's able to fit it in to her weekly schedule.  The coordinator position is an ongoing one, but she serves as one of the teachers only every third month.  This month was a month in which she was a teacher.  There are also assistant teachers in each class, and at least for this month, I am her assistant teacher.  So it's been kind of fun, although it's pretty easy for me.  She's done all the prep and planning, and I just help her execute her good plan.  But it's been fun for us to do it together.

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