Monday, February 29, 2016


It's always interesting how toys move in and out of favor with the kids.  Over a year ago, around Christmas of 2014, Joanna took the kids to Toys 'R Us to get them Christmas gifts.  The landscaper kit that Joshua chose was an instant favorite and is still a staple of our back yard toys.  Crocky, which Hannah chose, quickly fell out of favor and never regained it.  The Care Bear that Clara chose was something she liked at first, but then she lost interest.  It remained in our arsenal of toys though, and a few months ago, Clara suddenly decided it was the greatest thing ever.  Since he is, at his most basic level, a teddy bear, she decided his name was Teddy.  And she fell in love with him.  He's not at the level that Chicken Baby is for Hannah (though Chicken is starting to show some decline), but Teddy is far and away Clara's favorite toy, to the point that she's not okay with going to sleep unless Teddy is there.  Every night.  So thanks to Aunt Josie's shopping trip with Clara 14 months ago, and even though it took awhile to happen, Clara has a toy that she loves more than any she's ever had.

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome!! I'm so happy she loves it and that Teddy has made such a strong comeback! :-)
