Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Clara the Rocker

 Our neighbors are moving and were kind enough to offer us some of their not-so-little-anymore girl's things that they didn't want to move. When I saw this pink guitar, I knew it would be the hit of the summer for Clara and I was not wrong. Clara loves creating and performing and she has loved her guitar.

 Unfortunately our microphone broke shortly after this was taken, but all the kids have had great fun with it. Clara is having more fun here than she appears to be. This was right after there was some disagreement in the band about who would be the lead vocalist. I think it's obvious who won and who lost that argument.

Clara also likes playing guitar at certain times while watching tv. This mostly come up with Phineas and Ferb because she wants to play like them during the title sequence. When she is feeling energetic, she also does the same dance moves as they do. She also does it anytime any show breaks into song. Someday I would like to put her in music lessons, but right now she only wants to play how she wants and isn't excited to learn to play real songs so I think it's definitely too soon. So far she also isn't excited about hygiene, brushing her hair, or wearing many clothes, so she may be more of a grunge rocker than a classical type, we'll see.

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