Saturday, July 30, 2016

Deanna Rose with the Girls

Today Jason took Joshua on a date day so I took the girls to Deanna Rose. We had a really fun time.

Hannah said this was her favorite part of the whole day, which is surprising because these are pretty hard for a little kid to do, so I am not sure either girl got any water to come out at all.

We had never been in the Native American settlement section before. They are not that interested in historical things yet. I wish they were moreso. I feel like maybe in a year or two.

Clara was really pumped to ride the tractors. I hate the tractors. they are mostly old and broken and, not unrelatedly, are very hard for most children to ride, particularly smaller kids. Clara couldn't find a tractor that was enjoyable for her. Hannah's wasn't really that enjoyable, but she was just super determined to make it work so she rode around the loop twice with just a few pushes from Clara. Clara was urging her to move on to the baby goats ASAP.

We did go over to the baby goats. They are cute, but like all goats, pretty into their food. This is the only photo I was able to get before it devolved into the goats biting the nipples off the bottles and/or taking the bottles from the girls. But they seemed to like it anyway, which is a big step forward for Hannah. This is the first time she has ever not hated being in a goat pen and today she even wanted to stay longer to pet goats.

Our membership included two pony rides. I wasn't sure I would use them because the pony rides are really pretty lame and I didn't want to have to pay $3 for a third ride since I have three kids. And the line tends to move a bit slowly for an incredibly short ride. But I only had two kids today, so I let them do it, because there may never be a better time. The girls thought it was pretty awesome and enjoyed their 3 minutes of fun. Hannah really wanted to go again. But neither of them said it was their favorite part of the day (Clara's favorite was the red barn slides, which I couldn't really get a picture of, but both girls enjoyed. Hannah's was the previously-mentioned milking station), so hopefully they aren't super disappointed when we never do it again. The last time we did it was when Joshua was 3 and no one has ever asked about it since. But they seemed to like it a little more than he did.

Hannah really wanted to feed the ducks, which we haven't done before. Not only did we feed the ducks, as you see here, but we also went on the dock where Clara fed a few turtles and some fish, which she found a bit more captivating. One of the turtles was really large so it was exciting to see him.

Before we left, we went to the playground. Both girls liked the park-area, but Hannah really liked this misting area. You can't tell from the picture very well because the mist is really fine, but she had a really good time running back and forth and getting all wet. It wasn't super hot, but hot enough that it felt nice. We had a fun day at the farmstead.

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