Monday, July 4, 2016

Riding With Two Wheels

Recently Meghan asked me why I hadn't taught Joshua how to ride a bike without training wheels.  As best I can recall, when I learned I just had the training wheels at a point where I just started balancing on my own.  But she brought up a good point.  Why couldn't I teach him.  So today, among all the other things going on, I took some time to take Joshua over to the school parking lot, which I knew would be empty.  I had researched ahead of time the best way to teach a kid how to ride a bike, so I did that, and it worked beautifully!  Almost immediately he figured it out, and was quickly riding on his own without any training wheels or assistance from me.  Here he is shortly on his first ride and then with a proud smile.  Since then, he's told several people about it, including neighbors we saw on the way back to the house.  He was quick to tell them, "Hey, look what I can do!  I can ride with two wheels!"  They were initially confused, because of course it has two wheels, though he viewed the training wheels as extra wheels, so I quickly chimed in to clarify, at which point they of course congratulated him. It was a pretty monumental accomplishment for him, and he's super pumped to ride his bike now without training wheels.

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