Monday, July 25, 2016

Early July

The kids were playing football. We only have one football helmet, so the girls wore bike helmets.

Joshua learned how to ride a bike with no training wheels. He is so proud! I thought he was ready and Jason taught him in a day. I actually think Clara is ready too. She is excited about it, but not enough to ask a lot so we may wait until spring to give Joshua his due time of being the big kid.

The girls love getting horsey rides from Joshua and he loves giving them. I worry a little bit about him hurting his back, but they all have so much fun that I don't interfere too much.

Joshua did swimming lessons again. I was really hoping he would pass this time, but he can't float on his back for five seconds. But he is close so hopefully next time. He can do everything he needs to do except he can only float for 2-3 seconds. I thought it would be hard to take the girls to the lessons, but they really were fine with drawing for about 25 min and the lesson is only 30 min, so it was only a few minutes each time that they were unhappy.

We also did VBS. The kids had a ton of fun. Last year, Joshua wasn't really ready so he didn't enjoy it. But this year both he and Clara were engaged and loved the activities and songs. I had a bigger role than last year so it was a time commitment for me, but it was more administrative so easier for me than teaching, which I have to work really hard at because it doesn't come naturally at all to me. I think we came away with some really great ideas for next year. I'm not sure what I can commit next year because I will likely be working, but I hope I can find a way to be part of it again because it's pretty fun and great to see the kids so excited.

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