Thursday, July 14, 2016


Meghan will post more about VBS later, but I wanted to cover things from my perspective.  Joshua and Clara are both old enough to go this year, but Hannah isn't.  Meghan has to go early to get things set up, since she's volunteering, so I then bring all three kids when it's time for the kids to arrive.  Hannah and I walk Joshua and Clara up to their group, and then we are free to go home, as Meghan will bring the older two kids home with her.  But Hannah is interested in what's going go, so every night we've hung out in the back of the sanctuary for the beginning of the program, which consists of three or so songs that everyone sings, followed by a short skit that Chris does.  So while the large group is doing their thing, I'll hold Hannah and we'll sing and dance to the music.  She really likes it, and I do too.  After that, we decide if we have any errands to run.  Each night up until now, we've gone somewhere, like Walmart, CVS, Home Depot, the gas station, the recycling center, etc.  I tell Hannah the plan before we leave the church parking lot, and she tries to remember it and then let me know each destination as we leave the previous one.  It's been a really fun time for just the two of us to hang out and have fun, first in the back of the room in VBS, and then running errands.  Although tonight was the last night of VBS, and we had no errands to run, and she was a little disappointed.  But we spent some time at home, and it was all okay.  One funny consequence of her learning about VBS and then learning about CVS at the same time, is she can't quite keep them straight.  Like when planning our evening before we even go, she says, "After we drop Joshua and Clara off at CVS..."  She then realizes her mistake and laughs at herself.  Next year she'll be old enough to go, so we tried to enjoy this time while we had it.  I didn't have a picture of our adventures, but I did snap this one of the two attendees in their matching shirts.

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