Sunday, May 29, 2016

Fourth Week of May

Jason took the kids to the neighborhood pool. It's a bit cold still, but they (well maybe except for Jason) didn't mind. Here are Joshua and Clara, being swim-ready. 

Jason was cleaning the basement and found his old graphing calculator from high school/college. Clara thinks this is the best thing ever. She calls it her computer and is always calculating pretend results from competitions she makes up. Joshua usually wins.

The rain will not stop. It's extremely annoying. I took the kids to our church this week. Our church is open most week days to the community for play. A lot of moms' groups use it. There is an indoor play area and also open gym that they allow kids to play or ride in. We had a fun day of mostly using scooters (and Hannah played on her trike).

We did have a few sunny times. The kids have enjoyed playing in the backyard. We may need a larger swimming pool. Though they like dumping water out of it a lot, so I am not motivated to give them more to dump.

I took the kids to the pool this week. It was a bit cold for me. 

We had a picnic for lunch. The kids enjoyed (well Clara and Joshua enjoyed it) some lettuce they picked fro the garden at school.

Joshua was being silly while we were riding bikes. And then he said, "Look it's like for dancing". Not sure where he learned about the tango.

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