Sunday, May 15, 2016

End of Spring Soccer for Joshua

Today was the last soccer game of the season for Joshua.  This season was the first without Coach Travis as coach.  This year it was Coach Justin who led Joshua's team.

Joshua has improved every season, and this one was definitely his best.  He was almost constantly trying hard, running after the ball and doing his best to either take it away from the other team or score for his own team.  He was one of the better players on the team.  He's faster than most of the other kids (which makes me proud in not really a justified way, because I was always one of the fastest in any group I was in), and genuinely has better skills than most.  This is such a stark difference from his first season or two, and I'm so proud of the progress he's made.

Because today was the last game, the team was awarded medals by Coach Justin after the game was over.

Here's our champ in front of one of the goals that he scored in multiple times this season.

I usually am the one to take the kids to their soccer games, but we try to have our whole family go to one game, typically the last game.  So we all went today and then went out to Chili's for dinner as a family to celebrate another successful season.

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