Saturday, May 14, 2016

Second Week of May

It has been a wet spring. This is what my children look like after preschool when it's wet. Clara is cold here, she actually really enjoys the mud. My car is now outfitted with pads, towels, change of clothes, and bags for dirty clothes and still I have dirt in my car. But it's worth it for the fun they have. But I won't be too disappointed when it gets drier.

We finished swimming lessons this week. Hannah's were actually cancelled this session due to low enrollment so she just enjoyed open swim. The other two did well. Joshua was very close to moving on to level 2, but didn't quite swim far enough to qualify. I don't love summer lessons because they are so crowded, but we might do one session this summer in hopes of getting him into level 2 and then pick it back up in the fall when enrollment goes down. I realized I should get Clara a wet suit because she gets super cold in the water. I really wish I had thought of this earlier because this was the first lesson she wasn't shaking. I think we will get a lot of use out of it because even in the summer heat her lips turn blue in the water and she shakes.

This weekend we got to go to the park. It was a little cooler than it had been, but still very nice. This used to be called the "sand park" by my kids, but now they call it "the monkey bars" park because it has these toddler monkey bars that take the risk out of giving it a try. They had a lot of fun. Hannah is really much too large for baby swings at this point, but, totally in character for her, she refuses to pump her legs and still wants to be pushed. We normally do that on the big-kid swings at least, but this park has only baby swings in one section of the park and she likes to swing in all sections as it's her favorite thing. I think we are drawing the line when she turns 4.

Sadly, my sweet little super hero doesn't play dress up as much as he used to. That phase is probably drawing to a close. But today he did play spiderman for awhile and I was happy to see it again. He is very meta because he was also rescuing spiderman.

1 comment:

  1. Clara's picture with the mud made me laugh so hard! Her face is hilarious! Oh man those kids!
