Sunday, May 15, 2016

Chicken in a Chair

Hannah sometimes likes to sleep in her chair instead of her bed at night.  Sometime recently (maybe for last Christmas?) we got her a tiny chair for Chicken so they could each have chairs in her room.  Tonight Hannah decided that since she sometimes sleeps in her chair with her blankets draped over her, Chicken should too.  So here they each are, at bedtime, ready to go to sleep in their own chairs.  Someday she will be over her love of Chicken, but for now it continues, and it leads to adorable things like this.

And before bed tonight, Hannah saw I was going through pictures on my phone and asked me to take a picture of her.  Lately the kids have been into asking me to take pictures of them and then wanting to see the resulting picture on my phone.  So here's the pic, which is really pretty cute.

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