Sunday, May 1, 2016

Late April

We took advantage of the pleasant weather and had a picnic at Black Hoof (or "the sand park" as my kids call it). It was a fun afternoon. Clara had fun too, after she put her jacket on.

We have been enjoying swimming lessons and, especially, the play time afterwards. Ideally at the outdoor park, but there is also a small indoor play area for when it's raining. Hannah likes wearing her goggles for many situations, and usually not while swimming.

Because we have school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and swimming lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we haven't been able to go out to as many places as I prefer in the spring. Though it has also been very rainy, so that also impacts things. One day we went to Deanna Rose and took a picnic lunch right after school. It was a super nice day and we had a great time.

One of the kids' classmates lost his fairly new and expensive and also very necessary eyeglasses at school one day. The teachers combed the whole playground and also called every family to see if they went home with another kid, but they weren't found. Two days later, Clara found them in the dirt on the playground. Because they did pretty thoroughly canvas the area, we wonder if they didn't fall out of a backpack, but either way Clara found them. This is surprising because she is generally the world's worst finder. Like literally if we are in the living room and there is one hot pink blanket on the floor on our beige carpet, she will melt down because she has no idea where the blanket could be. And she's two feet from it. So I was really shocked she found anything, but since they were all so glad to find these glasses, they gave her a prize of a chocolate bunny (shown here on her head because that's where she wanted it in the photo) for finding them. She was pretty proud and the kids all enjoyed sharing it after dinner.

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