Monday, October 3, 2016

Happy Birthday Hannah!

 Hannah turned 4 on a Sunday, which was the same day as her birthday party. Because I try to avoid too much birthday on any given day, we celebrated a little on Saturday too. Hannah loves dressing up, though it does have to be on her own terms. Right now she loves mermaids, so she was thrilled with this mermaid costume from my mom.

She also loves anything related to babies, so this stroller was her favorite gift. Hannah is growing up so fast, we can't believe it. Besides mermaids and Chicken, she loves rainbows. She is very specific about what she likes. She will get very angry if things aren't to her exact specifications. She is a child of the internet age, so in her mind literally anything she thinks of is something I should be able to buy on my phone and it should show up at her house in a package approximately two days later (she's not far from being right). She loves shopping of any kind. Her favorite thing to do is to run errands with me and most the time that means grocery shopping because I don't often do other kinds of shopping. She especially likes clothing shopping, though, and online clothing shopping is her favorite. She loves looking at many photos of options on my phone and choosing the one she wants. And she absolutely loves it when it shows up at our house. She asks me every day from the time we order to the time it gets here when it will come. She is fairly reserved and cautious around other kids. She does enjoy socializing, but usually by observing more than interacting with others. She knows she doesn't love chaos and specifically asked for "not that many kids" at her birthday party. She is very orderly and likes following rules and likes everything to be neat in her room. She gets so much of her identity from rule-following and "being good" so we are working with her on that and also flexibility generally, but she definitely enjoys meeting standards and checking boxes. She loves looking at photos, particularly of herself as a younger child or baby and loves reading books. She also loves being silly and music. She remembers everything you tell her, and she will definitely call you out if you tell something will happen and then it doesn't. She is 38.25 inches tall and weighs 31 lbs. She brightens our life and brings us so much joy, and we can't believe our sweet girl is 4 years old!

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