Friday, October 28, 2016

A Very Distinguished Tiger

Recently we were notified that Joshua won an award at school! He won one of the two Ravenwood Distinguished Tiger Awards for his grade.  The Distinguished Tiger award one of the highest awards a student can earn at Ravenwood.  To earn this award, a student is nominated by a staff member at school as a role model exhibiting the positive character traits they strive to show at Ravenwood.  Here's what his placard said, which contains the words of his nominator and his teacher, Mrs. Haun:

 "Joshua is a Distinguished Ravenwood Tiger because he models Tiger Blue every day.  He comes to class with a smile and is ready to go.  He works hard and tries his best.  When his classmates need a friend, Joshua is always willing to step in.  Joshua had done an amazing job growing as a Ravenwood Tiger.  Keep up the good work Joshua."

There were only two kids chosen from all of the kindergarten classes, so we are really proud of him!

Today also happened to be Crazy Hair Day, so I used purple hair spray to color his hair purple, for obvious reasons.

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