Thursday, October 6, 2016

Blue Apron

We're adjusting to our new life with Meghan working, and part of that is me taking some of the burden off of her in terms of cooking and cleaning.  While I've been out of work, I've assumed a large chunk of the cleaning as part of my weekly schedule (she still does a fair amount though).  That's not so bad, because I'm not terrible at cleaning.  But my cooking skills are lacking, so that's a little more challenging.  But one of the ways we are trying to address that is through Blue Apron, which is a food service that sends you the exact ingredients in the exact amounts that you need to make each meal.  The meals are really quite good, and they don't take too long to make, but a lot of that's because you don't have to do a lot of prep, because it's all in the right amounts.  So we are taking turns on them, and tonight was my night.  I followed the instructions and ended up with a pretty good meal for us.  We both liked it.  I'm not sure how long we'll continue this, but for now it's a good option to make it easier for me to contribute good food for us.

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