Sunday, October 2, 2016


Our church is doing a short series on orange, the church curriculum or concept that children are influenced both by their family/home life (red) and their church life (yellow), and that these two work together to create orange, representing the blend between the two.  We had previously done a sermon on the red component, and then one on the yellow component, and today was the culmination of the series with the combined orange.  The songs were the ones the kids learned at VBS this summer, and since Hannah and I stuck around to listen to and learn the songs at the time (and we also bought the CD of the songs and listened to it many times), we all know them well, so it was fun to hear them again.  They also handed out orange glow sticks to everyone.  And because it was a special service for families, the children stayed in the service the whole time, which was fun for them, since they in general are excited about "big church".

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