Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Nuts About Nuts

It's fall now, and that means that leaves fall off of trees.  But you know what else falls off trees?  Acorns.  The road along Joshua's school is lined with trees that produce acorns.  As I've mentioned in the past, I know next to nothing about trees, but I do think that maybe oak trees are what make acorns, so that's probably what they are.  Anyway, there are tons of them.  I walk Joshua home from school almost every day.  And every day, for the past couple weeks, he asks me to stop by the main tree so we can collect acorns.  Some days I think we'll be able to just walk by the tree, but he always remembers and asks.  So we grab as many as we can carry, and we take them home and put them in a bucket that I think originally came with a Happy Meal, or something.  It's getting more and more full, but the problem is that I'm not really sure why we're collecting these.  But he's not either, and he doesn't care.  So we just have a plastic bucket slowly filling with acorns.  It's not the classiest bit of fall decor I've ever seen, but it's now part of our home.  I did suggest today that we go in the back yard and punt them into the grass, so we did that for awhile, booting acorns all over the yard, trying to hit targets.  That was fun, but it only slightly depleted our supply.  But he loves collecting them, so we'll keep doing it for now, at least until our elegant acorn storage device is full.

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