Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Early August: Black Hoof Park

 We had some really temperate days the past couple weeks. It is unusual for August, but we'll take it. We were able to go to the park. We started out on the monkey bars.

Next,the kids enjoyed the wading creek.

The older two took some time in the sand to "bury themselves" in the sand. That was what they were doing in their minds, but in reality they got a small amount of sand on them before moving on. Hannah used this time to play at the nearby playground because she is not really about covering herself with sand.

The kids wanted to explore under the bridge like they do at school, so they did that for a short while, but they were a little scared so they moved on quickly.

We spent some time on the natural play area before finishing at the big-kid park. 

Even Hannah got in on the action, which is pretty bold and daring for her. We had a fun time getting outside and going to the park, which we hadn't done for awhile since it's been hot and humid.

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