Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Late July

Clara is a pretty confident girl and she likes busting out new vocab words. This often leads to hilarious sayings by her because she is really comfortable making up meanings if she isn't sure. This is her shortly after announcing she was "meditating". I asked her what that meant and she confidently told me it meant relaxing. To be fair, she does look relaxed.

Recently we went to lunch with the Hansons. Besides their three biological kids, they also have adopted a sibling group and the sibling group is Black. As a result, Callie is now pretty experienced with textured hair and can do different things including braiding. When we ate with them, one of her daughters' hair was braided with beads. Hannah thought this was the best thing she had ever seen in hair. So she has been wearing beads in her hair on and off since then. I don't have Callie's skill so I usually just do one, maybe two braids. Really since Hannah's hair is quite thin I don't think she would look great with her whole head braided anyway. Callie's daughter goes by "Minnie" because she was tiny when she was a baby even though she is now quite tall for her age. So when Hannah wants to wear beads she says, "I want hair like Minnie today". She loves it.

My kids no longer nap. Joshua really shouldn't nap ever because it makes him stay up until 11. Clara can go either way, but she is fine without it. Hannah really could use a nap most days. But if I put her in her room, she won't sleep because she doesn't accept that she should have to nap if the other kids don't. But she usually falls asleep on the couch in the afternoon. Unfortunately this often does make her stay up until 11, but she is in that awkward spot where she can't always make it without a nap, but taking one makes her really awake at night. Hopefully she gets past it soon because I am not in the mood to chat with kids at 11. One day she must have been extra tired because she fell asleep on the ottoman. It really doesn't look very comfortable.

Joshua's current favorite thing is youtube videos about nature. He likes two main types. The first is sort of like the crocodile hunter but more modern. He likes Coyote Peterson a lot. It's a little cheesy, but perfect for a five year old and he does stuff Joshua loves like pulling leeches off his arm and showing the blood which Joshua is extremely interested in. The other type of video Joshua likes is the video version of click-bait. He likes "World's 5 deadliest spiders" or "The 10 most fatal snake bites" or things like that. Those videos (and there are thousands. I was surprised) are more problematic because some are fine for him and then others show horribly graphic injuries and use questionable language so I have to preview them before I let him watch them. This is him watching a video about the deadliest spiders. He somehow figured out how to make my phone's youtube app play on our tv. He was pretty proud of that, as I guess he should be since I didn't even know that was a thing before he did it. Now that I know I can do it, I prefer it because it's easy for me to monitor what he is watching.

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