Sunday, August 14, 2016

Last Day with Miss Diane and Miss Cheryl

For the past couple years, the girls have gone to the same Sunday School class led by Miss Diane (on the right) and assisted by Miss Cheryl (on the left).  Joshua was in the class last year, but he's been in the Pre-K class this year.  Next week is Promotion Sunday at our church, so that means everyone moves up a grade.  Joshua will move to the Kindergarten (through 5th grade) class, and Clara will move up to Pre-K.  Hannah is also eligible to move up to Pre-K, and since we would prefer the girls to stay together, we will move them both together.  We are also switching to the 9:00 service instead of the 10:45 service we had been attending.  But that means this is the last day that the girls will be in Miss Diane's class, and it's a little bit sad.  She has done a great job of being a teacher, and we think she's one of the best in the whole church.  She's on staff, so she's there every week, so the kids have gotten really used to her.  She's also been really great with them on days where they were tired or reluctant to go.  We're thankful to have had both teachers in our children's lives for so long.

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