Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Final Day at NaturePlay

Last week we had the last day with all three kids at NaturePlay, but today was the last day with any kids at all, as Joshua has already had his last day, but Hannah and Clara finished up today.  But Joshua hasn't started kindergarten yet, so I had him with me, so I was able to get a picture of all three kids with Miss Rosanna and Miss Katherine.

The Olympics are going on right now, so they are having themed days.  Even though today is the last day for our girls, it's a year-round school year, so it's just another day for the school.  Last week they did a shot put, and you could send any round item with your kid.  I chose a ball to send with Joshua knowing that arm strength has always been a, uh, strength of his even since he was a little baby, so I felt pretty confident that if I provided him with a dense ball, he would win.  And sure enough, he did.  Today was a biking day, so I brought the girls' bikes for them so they could participate in the biking time outside in the parking lot.

Hannah was slow to socialize when she first started there.  For the longest time she just followed Miss Katherine around like a shadow.  But over the course of the year she opened up, and in particular she bonded with classmate Alex A.  Incidentally, Clara's best non-sibling friend was a different Alex in the class, "Boy Alex".  He was actually Alex P., but I guess the fact that he was not a girl like Alex A. gave him that moniker.  Anyway, here is Hannah and her BFF Alex A. on their last day together.

As we left, I snapped a couple pictures of the back of the Mill Creek Activity Center where the school is held.  They spent so much time outside, some almost every single day, as per the core mission of the school, that I wanted to get a picture of it.  With the gardens, mud kitchen, and all the fun and interactive nature elements back there, our kids spent a lot of time back there, some getting dirtier (Joshua and Clara) than others (Hannah).  But they loved it, and we loved that they had that opportunity.  We'll miss NaturePlay, but it's on to new schools!

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