Wednesday, August 10, 2016

More Pics From the Final Day with Three Preschoolers

[Jason's Note:  So I realized I forgot the good pictures from the camera for the kids' last day at preschool, and instead only used the ones from my phone.  So here are the ones from the camera, and I'll merge the two posts at a later date]

Today was the kids' last day together as three preschoolers, who also happen to all go to the same class.

They were excited to run off to school together.  Despite what it looks like based on these two pictures, I did actually drive them to school and didn't make them run the whole way!

I love how excited Clara was to show Miss Katherine how well she wrote her last name.  And here Hannah did a pretty darn good job with her first name.

Joshua will get a new backpack for kindergarten, so this is also the last day with all three kids with their original personalized backpacks.  It's been a special year to be able to have them all in the same class together.

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